Sexual Function
Medical Studies on DHEA – Sexual Function

As a precursor hormone of estrogen and testosterone, DHEA plays an important role in healthy sexual function, in women and men. Vaginal dryness or pain during sex are often accompanying symptoms of menopause that can be treated well with DHEA. In men, androgens, including DHEA, are responsible for maintaining hormonal balance and healthy functioning of muscle, the prostate and the testes.
Intravaginal DHEA in Dyspareunia
Dyspareunia is a primary symptom of the genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM). This is a chronic, progressive condition that results from estrogen and androgen deficiency during menopause. The decrease in sex hormones at this stage of life contributes to a decrease in vaginal elasticity and lubricity, resulting in pain and dryness during intercourse. Intravaginal DHEA, applied as a cream, provides positive results, promoting hydration, helping to restore a fulfilling sex life and thus significantly improving quality of life. Systemic intake in physiological dosages can also help to correct the dysregulation of estrogen, testosterone and DHEA, contributing to the treatment of dyspareunia.
Maintaining a Healthy Erection
The causes of male potency concerns are many and varied. Above all, they include testosterone deficiency, circulatory disorders (often caused by high blood pressure), vascular concerns and diabetes mellitus, as well as obesity, neurological disorders, stress and depression. These are all risk factors that are intensified by a DHEA deficiency and are therefore also easy to treat. In addition, DHEA activates nitric oxide, which plays an extremely important role during sexual intercourse. This is because it influences vasocongestion, the regulation of vascular diameter which is the limiting factor that controls the swelling and contraction of the penis.
Medical Studies on DHEA – Sexual Function
The effect of medication on serum anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) levels in women of reproductive age: a meta-analysis
The study aims to address whether serum anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) levels fluctuate in the short term after medication application, including oral contraceptives (OCs), metformin (MET), Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), vitamin D (VD), clomiphene citrate (CC), and letrozole (LET).
Dehydroepiandrosterone Shifts Energy Metabolism to Increase Mitochondrial Biogenesis in Female Fertility with Advancing Age
Female reproductive aging is an irreversible process associated with a decrease in oocyte quality, which is a limiting factor for fertility.
Correction to: Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulphate (DHEAS) concentrations stringently regulate fertilization, embryo development and IVF outcomes: are we looking at a potentially compelling ‘oocyte-related factor’ in oocyte activation?
Erratic oocyte-activation affects fertilization and embryo development. Dehydro-epiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS) is present in theca/cumulus-granulosa cells, regulates the same calcium-pumps that cause calcium-oscillations in mice and its levels are altered in women with no or low fertilization rates. Yet no study has explored correlation of DHEAS with oocyte-activation.
The therapeutic effect of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on vulvovaginal atrophy
Vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA) is a chronic disease that mostly occurs in postmenopausal women. After menopause, insufficient sex hormones affect the anatomy of the vagina and cause drastic physiological changes.
Updates on therapeutic alternatives for genitourinary syndrome of menopause: hormonal and non-hormonal managements
Postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis, along with vasomotor symptoms and sleep disorders, is one of the most troublesome symptoms of menopause.
The relationships between serum DHEA-S and AMH levels in infertile women: a retrospective cross-sectional study
The relationship between serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEA-S) and anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) levels has not been fully established. Therefore, we performed a large-scale cross-sectional study to investigate the association between serum DHEA-S and AMH levels.
Sexual dysfunctions in women: are androgens at fault?
A critique of the literature that androgen deficit underlies women's sexual dysfunctions is provided.
Determination of intraprostatic and intratesticular androgens
Androgens represent the main hormones responsible for maintaining hormonal balance and function in the prostate and testis. As they are involved in prostate and testicular carcinogenesis, more detailed information of their active concentration at the site of action is required.
Associations between androgens and sexual function in premenopausal women: a cross-sectional study
Although clinicians often measure the serum concentration of androgens in premenopausal women presenting with sexual dysfunction, with some women given testosterone or dehydroepiandrosterone as treatment if their concentrations are low, whether androgens are determinants of sexual function in women of reproductive age is uncertain. We aimed to clarify the associations between androgens and sexual function in a community-based sample of non-health-care-seeking women.
An overview of dehydroepiandrosterone (EM-760) as a treatment option for genitourinary syndrome of menopause
Dyspareunia caused by vulvovaginal atrophy is a primary symptom of genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM), a chronic, progressive medical condition that results from estrogen and androgen deficiency at menopause.
Androgen Therapy in Women
Androgens are believed to have an important biologic role in women, particularly in regulation of libido and sexual arousal, although much about their function on other systems in women is unknown.
Dehydroepiandrosterone on metabolism and the cardiovascular system in the postmenopausal period
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), mostly present as its sulfated ester (DHEA-S), is an anabolic hormone that naturally declines with age. Furthermore, it is the most abundant androgen and estrogen precursor in humans.
Supplementation of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in pre- and postmenopausal women – position statement of expert panel of Polish Menopause and Andropause Society
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) concentration decreases with age, therefore, DHEA has been considered a hormone that reduces the symptoms associated with aging, so the usefulness of DHEA in premenopausal and postmenopausal women, and the options of hormone therapy have received a large amount of attention.
Does type of menopause affect the sex lives of women?
The aim of this study was to investigate factors affecting the sex lives of middle-aged women, and whether surgical menopause affects sexual function differently from natural menopause, by comparing effects on sexual performance of women with similar demographic features.
Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) supplementation on sexual function in premenopausal infertile women
To investigate the effects of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) supplementation on female sexual function in premenopausal infertile women of advanced ages.
Increases in bone mineral density in response to oral dehydroepiandrosterone replacement in older adults appear to be mediated by serum estrogens
The mechanisms by which dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) replacement increases bone mineral density (BMD) in older adults are not known.
Dehydroepiandrosterone secretion in healthy older men and women: effects of testosterone and growth hormone administration in older men
Aging is associated with diminished gonadal steroid and GH/IGF-I axis activity; whether these changes contribute to the parallel declines of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and DHEA sulfate (DHEAS) production is unknown, as are the effects of sex steroid and/or GH administration on DHEA and DHEAS production.
Adrenopause and dehydroepiandrosterone: pharmacological therapy versus replacement therapy
Adrenopause is an age-related, partial insufficiency of the adrenal cortex characterized by its low blood levels of dehydro-epiandrosterone (DHEA) and DHEA sulfate (DS) in the presence of undiminished cortisol levels.
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) as a possible source for estrogen formation in bone cells: correlation between bone mineral density and serum DHEA-sulfate concentration in postmenopausal women, and the presence of aromatase to be enhanced by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in human osteoblasts
A significant positive correlation between bone mineral density (BMD) and serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) was found in 120 postmenopausal women (51–99 years old) but no correlation was seen between BMD and serum estradiol.