DHEA – Dehydroepiandrosterone

DHEA, or dehydroepiandrosterone, is one of the most important natural substances in anti-aging medicine. Thanks to its numerous effects on the endocrine system – and therefore on the immune system as well as on the aging process of the brain – it is being successfully used to help manage declining performance associated with aging. However, DHEA can do much more.
DHEA’s Proven Positive Effects on the Psyche
DHEA is the focus of intensive medical research investigating the properties and possible effects of this important substance. DHEA has been shown to promote a healthy balance of sex hormones, to have a strong harmonizing effect on the psyche, to promote stress tolerance, to help with memory and concentration and to help protect against neuronal degeneration.
Other Applications
Studies have also detected extremely low levels of DHEA in individuals with cardiovascular changes and hypertension, as well as in individuals suffering from obesity and impaired lipid metabolism. Low levels of DHEA have also been found in some autoimmune conditions, bone metabolism disorders, cases of chronic fatigue, those with high cortisol levels, cases of unhealthy cell growth, skin problems and other systemic changes. In all of these conditions, individualized DHEA substitution can help to reduce many symptoms and improve quality of life.
DHEA FACTS – Always Up to Date
The purpose of this platform is to present the latest research findings on DHEA and its diverse applications and to detail how it is being used in clinical practice on patients. We will keep you informed with a continuously updated selection of scientific publications.